Seminar on advanced technology to defeat Agent OrangeSeminar on advanced technology to defeat Agent Orange A seminar on use of In-Pile Thermal Desorption (IPTD) technology to clean up dioxin contamination at Da Nang Airport was held by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), in Hanoi on July 31. Ralphs Baker, Director of Dioxin/Agent Orange (AO) treatment project at the airport affirmed that the advanced technology is considered the most suitable method for the site, given the local environmental impact and safety of those working on or near the site. The US$43 million project, jointly carried out by the USAID and the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence, is expected to launch late this summer and finish in 2015. Upon completion, it will reclaim 29 hectares of clean land for economic and commercial purposes, eliminating the dioxin contamination risk in all the affected areas. The IPTD system has been applied in the US, EU and Asia to clean up contaminated sites and ensure a safe environment for millions of people. |